glenelg sunset 3 v2

glenelg sunset 3 v2, originally uploaded by karen tenni.

glenelg sunset 4 v2

glenelg sunset 4 v2, originally uploaded by karen tenni.

another image form the same spot

glenelg sunset 6

glenelg sunset 6, originally uploaded by karen tenni.

had fun with some public art and a lovely sunset...

old white door v3

old white door v3, originally uploaded by karen tenni.

caught this in Goolwa, SA - love the texture

new year, new focus

its time to refocus energies - starting a new body of work called 'transit-ion', exploring using photography in different ways, combining with other media and extending my photoshop skills. I plan to use this blog as a kind of journal of the process.

in addition, working on a variety of individual images for flickr, a great source of inspiration. Expecially as now i have to wait until i travel to visit galleries (a downside of living in a regional town). the internet is even more vital for research and stimulus for my art.

also doing a bit of market research around adding rexlaxed style portraiture to my art practice. so far, response has been positive - just waiting for commissions now.