quote of the week

Does it interest the eye, excite the brain, move the mind to reflection, and involve the heart?
- Julian Barnes

10 days in the Towers...

starts this Friday.  Organised by the Gold City Country Music Club, there are many events happening in Charters Towers - check out the blog for more detail... or just click on the pages to see or print the program.

quote of the week

"You know what a camera is? A mirror with memory."

Source Unknown

photo portraits

We find photographic portraits fascinating – subconsciously, we always look at the eyes first to look for clues to communicate information about the sitter. Environmental portraits place the sitter in their usual space – work, home, play – providing further detail to the narrative.

We all wear masks in our daily lives depending on the role we are playing at the time. One of my aims as the photographer is to catch that rare moment when the sitter relaxes, and the mask slips to allow the secret self to peep out.

Photographic portraiture can be quite a collaborative process between the sitter and the photographer, especially when using digital cameras. Part of the process is to encourage the sitter to relax and share stories about themselves. Through conversation, time spent together, and the image making process – powerful photographs can be the result.

I think it is mportant to capture the people and places of now for future generations.
Photography deals exquisitely with appearances, but nothing is what it appears to be. ~Duane Michals

quote of the week

Buying a Nikon doesn't make you a photographer. It makes you a Nikon owner.
          ~Author Unknown