'transitions' series...

‘Transitions’ began as a way to assimilate the various memories of my past and reality of the present after moving to a regional town in Queensland.

Juxtaposing images made in different places can create new stories from visual impressions.

I'm interested in the beauty of everyday objects - seeing patterns, textures, colour, form. Life has involved living in many spaces in different places.

Photography is an ideal tool to capture visual documentation of a feeling, a moment, a memory. Is identification of place possible without specific symbols?

I’m travelling around Australia very slowly - 2 years here, 8 years there, 3 years somewhere else. From Cairns (my home town), Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide to now living in Charters Towers, Qld.

There have been things about each place that have resonated on some level - flora, architectural styles, the simple act of walking.

The discovery of similar elements offset the strangeness of the new, and adds excitement to learning about a different space or place.

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